Welcome To Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity INC.

Membership Requirements & Application


To become a member of Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity Inc. you must fulfill the following requirements before membership will be approved.

1.         Must sign a confidentiality agreement with Kappa Omega Omicron
2.         Must be 18 years old or older.
3.         Must have a High School Diploma
4.         Must do 24 hours of Community Service Hours before being selected for consideration.
5.         Must identify as a Masculine Woman or FTM Transman
6.         Five References (2 -Personal, 3 –Professional)
7.         Must adhere to all policies, procedures and rules of the organization
8.         Must be interviewed and receive ¾ vote by the membership committee.
9.         Must have completed application and submitted it to National Headquarters for Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity Inc.
10.       Must have convenient and unlimited access to the internet.
11.       Must have active and current phone (if selected to be a part of the Intake process you will need to have a phone plan with either unlimited minutes or enough to be contacted during peak hours as well as off peak hours.
12.       Must provide us with 7 year goal both professional, personal growth and how you will integrate that with our organization.
13.       Must show ability and attitude for growth and development as well as possesses talents, skills and qualities for leadership which are beneficial for the organization.
14.       Must attend a minimum of two functions given or represented by Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity
15.       Is able to actively participate in the financial growth of Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity Inc. such as paying dues, participating in fundraisers, and donation drives.
16.       Must be willing to participate in chapter, regional and national activities
17.       Meets all financial requirements prior to becoming an approved member

Membership Application

Please fill out as completely as possible. This information is kept in the strict confidence of the membership committee.  Application does not guarantee membership.
Kappa Omega Omicron follows a strict anti-hazing policy.  If you submit an application please email a picture of yourself to info@kappaomegaomicron.org with the Subject "Membership Application" and your name.

Legal Name: *
Nick Name/ Boi Name:
Age: *
Email: *
Address Street 1: *
Address Street 2:
City: *
Zip Code: * (5 digits)
Primary Phone: *
Alternate Phone:
Gender *
Sexual Orientation:
Marital Status
How did you hear about Kappa Omega Omicron: *
Where you referred by a Kappa Omega Omicron family member? (If yes, please state the name of the member) : *
Do you have Children? If so how many? *
Are you employed and/ or going to school? If so what is your schedule(s): *
Have you previously been a member of D9 or Greek organization? If you have pledged before have you dropped your letters? : *
Please detail any community service you have participated in.: *
Why do you want to be a member of Kappa Omega Omicron?: *
If accepted, what do you feel you can bring to our organization?: *
What is your greatest accomplishment to date?: *
What are your fears?: *

We the bruhs of Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity would like to take this time to thank you for your interest in our special family.  We're
more than letters, colors, and social gatherings!  We're one unit, one bond, one family!  We pride ourselves on excellence, loyalty,
commitment, dedication, confidentiality and brotherhood.  We understand you have many choices and we advise you to weigh out ALL your
options. By submitting this form of interest doesn't guarantee you will become a member of Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity (however it is
a good start). We ask only serious bruhs apply as you are now making a decision to embark upon a life long bond of brotherhood!  If you
choose Kappa Omega Omicron isn't the choice for you there will be NO hard feelings because we're here to service the community, and for
willing participants we're here to shape, mold, and development bois into Omicron Kings!  We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you
in the land of Omicron.