Welcome To Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity INC.

It’s Nu (pronounced NEW) Day in Omicron

Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity Inc. is proud to announce a new addition to our organization, our NU FTM (Transman) Chapter.  This chapter is not exclusive to one state. FTM which stand for Female to Male, is a term used to describe a transgender male, biologically born female, transitioning to physically become male.  While some organizations feel the need to separate our FTM brothers, Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity Inc. feel the need for inclusion.  We all have a fight and a struggle.  We all share the same feelings of wanting to be accepted for who we are, not for who we lay with, not how we identify, not the color of our skin or the economic level we exist in, but simple for the person God created us as.  Our FTM brothers are just that, OUR BROTHERS!  Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity Inc. stands boldly side by side with our FTM brothers as they make strides to bring awareness to who they are and why they are relevant.  Our FTM brothers’ fights are no different than anyone else wanting to be RESPECTED, Valued and APPRECIATED. ALL LIVES / ALL GENDERS matters!

Are you a transman looking for a fraternal home where you will be accepted and included as the man you are and not segregate from other brothers?  Are you ready to stand with other activist to bring change, awareness, and education to others in the dark?  We invite you to consider Kappa Omega Omicron Fraternity Inc.


If you would like to support our cause you can donate by clicking on the donate button below or if you would like to donate goods contact us at info@kappaomegaomicron.org